miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Cracklings P2

Subflava dedicó recientemente una entrada a sus esmaltes de craquelado, así que en esta entrada os voy a enseñar con más detalle los míos, todos de la marca P2 y comprados en Berlín en el DM.

Hasta hace poco, la marca P2 disponía únicamente de dos esmaltes de craquelado, los crackling '010 Black Explosion ' y '020 Silver Blast' a los que desde marzo de 2011 se les ha unido el '030 Golden Rush'. Contienen 11 ml y cuestan 1,75 € por lo que la relación calidad/precio es inmejorable.

De momento sólo he usado el dorado y el plateado.

Subflava recently shared with us all her crackling topcoats so I thought I could perhaps show you mine in greater detail. All of them are from P2, one of DM's own brands and were part of our Berlin hauls.

Until recently, P2 only offered two different crackling topcoats in '010 Black Explosion' and '020 Silver Blast' the latest addition being '030 Golden Rush' released in March 2011. They contain 11ml, cost €1,75 and are therefore excellent value for money.

So far I've only used the silver and the golden one.

Este tipo de esmaltes me parecen una forma ideal de darle un nuevo aspecto a la manicura que ya tenemos en un par de minutos. Hay que aplicarlos sobre un esmalte bien seco y nada más hacerlo ya podemos comprobar como se va 'rompiendo' produciendo este acabado tan característico y tan de moda ahora mismo.

Secan en un tiempo récord y el acabado es mate, por lo que si eso no os convence siempre podéis poner una capa de topcoat brillante encima.

I think these crackles are a great way of giving your current mani a new look in just a few minutes. They must be applied over dry polish and right after the application this topcoat begins to 'break' thus creating this peculiar and trendy finish. They dry really fast and leave a matte finish, so if you're not too fond of this you can always top it all with one coat of shiny topcoat.

En las fotos apliqué varias capas del esmalte base de P2 'Base & Care Coat'. ¿Por qué varias capas? Pues porque impaciente de mí, estaba deseando hacer los chuaches en la rueda y no esperé el tiempo suficiente y se me ocurrió la “brillante idea” de plantarle el dedazo para ver si ya estaba seco. La paciencia es una virtud de la que, como véis, carezco.

In the pictures I applied several coats of the P2 'Base & Care Coat'. Why several, you're probably wondering. Well, the thing is I was so eager to make the swatches on the nailwheel that I didn't wait long enough for it to dry and had the 'brilliant idea' to put my finger on it to check. Patience is a virtue I lack of, you know.

Essence ha sacado en su última actualización dos tonos de crackling, en blanco y en negro. Subflava nos enseñaba en su post el blanco aunque reconozco que no me acaba de convencer. No sé si lo acabaré comprando o no...

Essence released two crackles in their latest range update, in black and white. Subflava included the white one in her post though I confess I have mixed feelings towards it. Don't know if I'll get it or not, the jury's still out on that one.

¿Tenéis algún esmalte de este tipo? ¿Os gusta el efecto craquelado?

Do you have any topcoats like these? Do you like the crackled effect?

7 comentarios:

  1. i need gold and silver cracklings - is P2 a good brand?


  2. @Sarahlouise: You'd fall in love with them! P2 is a great brand, some products surpass Essence in quality (i.e. Lipsticks) I was disappointed in the new polishes, though. Anyway, it could be that I happened to buy the crappy 'miss' ones.

  3. @ Sarahlouise1986

    I may have to add these to my moms shopping list next time shes in Berlin...Oh dear, ill have to give her extra money to get home with them lol. Thanks for this....Drool @ the gold and silver. Ive not yet tried any essence polishes btw =-/ just the stampy polishes


  4. @Sarahlouise: You won't find better or cheaper cracklings than the P2!
    Haven't tried Essence nailpolishes yet! That's a major crime!! though easily remedied.

  5. @ marox79

    lol...i blame the uk not stocking them! - i need to visit my mom...who is 20 mins from me to collect a package of some essence polishes!...then ill do no more time! =-P

    ....Why didn't i ask her to get me P2 polishes lol =('


  6. @Sarahlouise: Then we can surely expect some manis featuring those Essences.
    Pity P2 is not available in more countries. We need DMs over here, please!!

  7. Están super de moda, pero a mí no me gusta nada ese efecto, debo ser un bicho raro!
