jueves, 18 de julio de 2019

Productos Terminados / 'Finito' Products 2019 (V)

Hola, chicas:
Aquí venimos a enseñaros nuestros últimos terminados, después de un pequeño descanso vacacional. Pronto tendréis unas cuantas entradas al respecto.

1 - Exfoliante de azúcar moreno de Skinfood (marox): Compré este exfoliante como parte de un cracker de Navidad de Sephora del 2017. Tiene una textura curiosa, no resulta agresivo para la piel. Sobre todo al principio, hay que mezclar bien el producto con una espátula, para que resulte uniforme. Me ha gustado mucho, aunque como de momento tengo un exfoliante grande en uso y otro más del kit no compraré ninguno más.

2 - Esencia con galactomyces y extracto de rosa de Secret Key (marox): He sucumbido a la moda de las esencias coreanas con ésta bastante asequible de la marca Secret Key. Una de mis youtubers favoritas, Gothamista, la sacó en un video de cuidado facial asequible. Me ha gustado mucho, lo suficiente como para repetir -aunque he estado tentada de probar otras. Con tantas marcas, es lo que pasa-. Lo compré por Ebay, como casi toda la cosmética asiática que tengo.

3- Exfoliante facial "Black Sugar" de Skinfood (Marian).
Este producto, al igual que el exfoliante que os ha enseñado Marox al inicio de esta entrada, venía en el cracker de Navidad de 2017.
Lo he estado usando entre una y dos veces por semana, y la verdad es que deja la piel muy suave.
Los gránulos tienen el tamaño adecuado para exfoliar la piel sin irritar.

4- Crema facial de día Marilou Bio (Marian).
La compré en *Arenal*, y me ha gustado mucho.
Hidrata mi piel sin aportar grasa, y se absorbe enseguida.
No descarto repetir con ella en el futuro.
En este momento estoy usando otra de un cracker de Origins, y me está gustando mucho también.

5- Exfoliante microdermoabrasión con vitamina C de The Body Shop (Marian).
Esta la he jubilado por enranciamiento.
No quedaba mucho producto ya, pero no he podido terminarla.
Al tener vitamina C, he tenido la precaución de usarla siempre por la noche, cuando ya no me va a dar el sol.
De momento no repetiré.
Ahora mismo estoy usando un gel de microdermoabrasión del cracker de Origins que os he dicho antes.

Y esto ha sido todo por ahora.
¿Habéis probado alguno de éstos?
Contadnos abajo, en los comentarios.
Hasta pronto.

Hi girls,
Here we come to show you our latest empties, after a short vacation hiatus. Stay tuned for some related posts soon.

1 - Skinfood Black Sugar Wash-off Mask (marox): This scrub was one of the products included in a Sephora cracker from 2017. It has a really unusual texture, which isn't harsh on the skin. Specially at first, I had to mix the product with a spatula to make sure the granules were evenly distributed. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I do have a larger face scrub in use as well as another one from the same kit, so I won't be getting new ones any time soon.

2 - Galactomyces Essence, Limited Rose edition from Secret Key: I finally jumped on the Korean essence bandwagon and chose this LE one that was very affordable and was featured on an affordable skincare video from Gothamista. I really enjoyed it, enough to repurchase, although I was tempted to try some other brands. Variety may be the spice of life, but makes shopping much harder.
I got if off Ebay, like most of my Asian skincare I own.

3- 'Black Sugar' face scrub, from Skinfood (Marian).
This one was also included in the Sephora cracker that Marox has mentioned above.
I've been using it once or twice a week, and it leaves my skin very soft.
Exfoliating particles are the right size to scrub your skin without irritating it.

4- Face day cream from Marilou Bio (Marian).
I bought it at a local drugstore, *Arenal*, and I like it very much.
It moisturizes my skin without a greasy feeling, and it absorbs at once.
I wouldn't mind getting it again in the future.
Now I'm using a day cream from an Origins cracker that I'm also enjoying.

5- Vitamin C microdermabrasion face scrub from The Body Shop (Marian).
Another item that I had to discard as it had gone rancid. There wasn't much left anyway, but I couldn't use it up.
Since it had vitamin C, I had to use it in my night skincare routine when I knew for sure I wasn't going to get any sun exposure.
I won't repurchase for the time being.
At the moment I'm using a microdermabrasion gel that was part of the same Origins Christmas cracker I mentioned earlier. 

That was all for now.
Have you tried any of this stuff? Let us know in the comments section below.

See you around.

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