Me cabreé tanto al enterarme, que estuve años sin entrar en If.
Meet the pedi I'm sporting this week, my personal tribute to the soon-to-be discontinued Multidimension range of Essence nailpolishes. I don't recall exactly how old this polish is, but probably at least six years old. I got this from a local drugstore/perfumery chainstore formerly called Caoba, which was later converted into If. Unfortunately for me, that meant I no longer had access to an Essence display in my hometown -we still have no Essence distributor here. I was so mad about it, it took me a few years to actually enter the new store, lol.
Día 1: Aplico una capa de base de Basic (Schlecker), seguida de una gruesa de este esmalte. A pesar de que este esmalte es bastante viejillo, la fórmula ha sobrevido en buenas condiciones a remedios caseros como echarle alguna gota de acetona al pobre en lugar de diluyente propiamente dicho. No apliqué topcoat alguno, ya que al tratarse de los pies, aguantarán bien aún sin nada.
Day 1: I applied my basecoat from Basic (Schlecker), followed by one thick coat of this. Despite the venerable age of this polish, the formula has survived pretty much OK, even with my inexperienced attempts at restoring this poor thing using acetone instead of proper thinner. I didn't apply topcoat, as usually pedis can hold fine without adding anything on top.
Curiosamente, esta semana mi madre me pidió que le pintara las uñas y escogió este mismo esmalte. A ella sí que le di Seche Vite y le aguantó muy bien unos cuatro días, incluso habiéndose lavado el pelo. Visto lo visto, creo que soy a la que menos le aguantan de la familia, jeje.
Strangely enough, my mother asked me to paint my nails for her this week and she chose this polish too. I did use Seche Vite for her mani and she's had this for about four days, having even washed her hair with it. It seems I'm the one with the worst nail polish wear in the family, lol.
Retiran todos los multidimension??????
ResponderEliminar@Salander: Lamentablemente, sí. Por eso van a sacar unos 20 Colour&Go nuevos.
ResponderEliminarGracias! Mañana me paso!
ResponderEliminarEstoy un poco perdida!
¿6 años y dura así o tengo sobredosis de cafeína y leo mal? guau, lo flipo!!
ResponderEliminarIt's really pretty color!
ResponderEliminar@Gadirroja: Y puede que me quede corta, es que no recuerdo cuando quitaron Caoba.
ResponderEliminar@Sandra: Aitäh! I'm glad you like it.
6 años??? para que luego digan que no son de buena calidad los esmaltes essence!!!