Desgraciadamente, las noticias de esta semana en el panorama nacional no han sido precisamente buenas, ya que lamentablemente 11 personas han perdido la vida en el peor terremoto registrado en España hasta la fecha, en la localidad murciana de Lorca.
El primero, de magnitud 4,4 en la escala de Richter se registró el pasado miércoles por la tarde, siendo superado en magnitud dos horas más tarde por una de las réplicas, de 5,2.
Como ya sabréis por las noticias, la mayor parte de la población ha pasado los últimos días fuera de sus casas, bien por miedo a las réplicas o porque sus casas no eran seguras.
This week's national news have been tinged with tragedy, with 11 people being killed in the worst earthquake to ever hit Spain.
The magnitude 5.2 tremor hit Lorca, Murcia early on Wednesday evening, around two hours after a quake measuring 4.4 in the Richter scale.
Locals have been forced to spend the last few days outdoors, either for fear of more tremors or because their homes were not safe.
Lamentablemente, en situaciones tan graves como ésta, no todo el mundo ha demostrado la calidad humana que cabría esperar. Como seguidora blaugrana, me siento asqueada de que la prensa catalana dedicara tan sólo un pequeño artículo en su portada, que reservó para la proclamación del FC. Barcelona como Campeón de la Liga 2011. Tampoco se suspendieron ni postpusieron las celebraciones, aunque ya sé que no habría servido de mucho. Si es que está claro que en este país el fútbol es sagrado.
Unfortunately, not everyone has shown the compassion a situation like this demands. As a Barça supporter, I feel sickened about the fact that the most important Catalan newspapers only devoted a tiny article to the tragedy in their front cover, dedicated to the proclamation of FC Barcelona as the champion of the Liga 2011. The subsequent celebrations were not cancelled or postponed either, though I know it wouldn't have served any purpose. It seems football/soccer is sacrosanct in this country, you see.
Indignante también que, estando en campaña electoral como estamos, hubiera cierto partido que no suspendiera sus actos de campaña para el día siguiente y que para más INRI lleva la palabra 'Solidaridad' en su nombre. Indignante también que nuestro gobierno mandara únicamente a la zona, personal médico pero sin un sólo gramo de material ya que se 'abastecerían' en Lorca. Todo esto dicho por el propio personal militar. Sí, claro, teniendo en cuenta que el hospital quedó muy dañado -y tuvo que ser cerrado- tras el terremoto, me parece una decisión de lo más acertada -modo irónico ON-. Pero sí, para hacerse la foto, han estado 'todos con Lorca'.
Outrageous too, that being in the middle of both a local and regional electoral campaign as we are, a certain party did not cancel their electoral agenda for the next day. To add insult to the injury, the party dares to use the word 'Solidarity' in its name. Outrageous too, that our government only sent medical staff but not a single piece of equipment, to be 'loaned' from the local hospital in Lorca on arrival, according to sources from the military staff themselves. Considering the hospital had been severely damaged -and closed off- by the quake, that's one hell of a good decision, don't you think? -ironic mode ON. But, hey, they all did go there to pose for some photographs and 'support' Lorca.
Por cierto, que este año he votado por correo por primera vez en mi vida. Recuerdo que hace un montón de años un pequeño partido local pegó pegatinas en las papeleras con el eslogan: 'Deposite su voto aquí... ¡Total!... ¡Para lo que le va a servir!. No me negaréis que no es el mejor eslógan que habéis oido en mucho tiempo.
By the way, this year I've voted by mail for the first time in my life. I remember that many years ago, a small local party in my hometown put stickers in the dustbins with the words: Put your vote here... It's not going to be of much use, anyway! Isn't it the best slogan you've ever heard?
Totalmente de acuerdo con que la imagen se dedique a Lorca, menudo drama. Y muy bueno el slogan, yo creo que la mayoría nos identificamos con él. BESOS!
ResponderEliminarQué quieres que te diga! Llevas más razón que un Santo!
ResponderEliminarI'm sorry for this situation and I understand your feelings, here in Italy we're used to such shameful behaviours.
ResponderEliminar@Gadirroja: Espero que Lorca se recupere pronto. El slogan era la caña.
ResponderEliminar@Salander: Cuando soy buena, soy muy buena. Pero como me toquen las narices...
@Smaltoitaliano: Thank you, my dear. It's frustrating how politicians twist the truth when it suits them. I remember the not very fortunate words of your PM Berlusconi after the earthquake in Italy. If you don't have anything nice to say, then a keep quiet policy is best.
Oh, my family (my mother's side) is directly involved in that earthquake, so I know well how things are going there...
ResponderEliminarBerlusconi keeps saying that his international reputation is good... He's just a pathological liar, plus is so rich and he has so many power in his hands that it's easy for him to have followers everywhere and in every circumstance, ready to support all his bullsh*its.
@Smalto: People tend to forget about these tragedies over time, and though immediate aid is essential, it will take L'Aquilla and Lorca a long time to recover.
ResponderEliminarI'm sorry to hear your family was involved in the earthquake. I hope they just lost their homes and not their lives.
I heard Berlusconi owns like half of Italy and lots of companies there and is so powerful people are afraid of what would happen if they don't support him. Many men will probably envy him and his wild parties, though I think he's not doing Italy (and its reputation) any favour.
The French are having their share of scandal these days with DSK.
Yes, but at least DSK resigned from his role (even if I think he's not completely innocent, given that it's the second time he's accused of such a crime, he musn't be a so called "gentlemen" with women...).
ResponderEliminarAnyway, yes: eartquakes (and Italy is a well-known seismic country!) need long-term decisions and policies; instead, in our case, Berlusconi built expensive (yet of a bad quality) houses, put citizens in them outside L'Aquila and that's it; recostruction, after 2 years, hasn't started yet, and people will die in those ugly houses without seeing any change.
Not so many people realized this situation, many of them are happy because they have again a house, crazy, eh?
We still have survivors to other eartquakes and natural disasters which happened 20, 30 years ago in the South of Italy who are currently living in trailers.
My family fortunately just lost the house :>
Here in Italy right-wing politicians only want votes, so they just try to captivate them with unrealistics promises; I don't know why so many people (normal people!) believe them so easy, must be a mix of ignorance, mental laziness, old age (yes, we 're getting older so fast)...
Left-wing politicians are weak, and they don't offer appealing solutions, so we're in trouble.
In general, politicians bounce responsabilites each other.
Sorry for the rant, but I hope your country will give you better solutions for Lorca, and that your politicians aren't as sick as ours :^/
@Smalto: It unnerves me when people try to defend Berlusconi or DSK with things like: 'Well, you know he's always been a womaniser...' Come on, people, he's being charged with attempted rape: when a woman says no, it means NO. And it's against the law, it's not a case of his private life interfering with his public life or the media meddling in it. It's a question of telling right from wrong.
ResponderEliminarKind of like Clinton: Ok, you may cheat on your wife (that's your private life) but when you lie under oath about it that's punishable again.
I don't know to what extent the people in Lorca will get aid: they will probably be relocated to other houses for a limited time, but after that they'll have to manage on their own. At least, that's usually the case in a situation like this. There was a fund raising campaign organised by a TV station recently.
Politicians are sick worldwide, I guess. Over her, left is weak and make too appealing proposals impossible to fulfill. Right make the right proposals, necessary but impopular. Their everyday passtime is hurling accusations and/or insults to each other. Latins are passionate people, you know. ;)
Haha, yes :D
ResponderEliminarLast saturday I saw a group of indignados sitting in the middle of Piazza Duomo in Milan :>
@Smalto: There's now also a small group camped in Sintagma Square in Athens. The ones in Barcelona will have to go because of the Barça-M.United final. The Spanish ones are camping illegally -in Spain you have to request permission for a demonstration for security reasons- but the police+government are not doing anything despite the increasing protests from the local businesses (70% in losses, damage to private+public property, etc). They will sue them and whoever is liable if they're still there on Monday.